Edo Rosenblith: Let Me Help You Make A Mural

Israeli born, St. Louis-based artist Edo Rosenblith will guide COCA visitors of all ages in creating a site-specific mural, blurring the distinction between artist and audience. Inspired by Rosenblith’s signature black and white wall drawings, the mural will reflect the thoughts, ideas, opinions and expectations expressed through collective visual impressions on COCA’s Millstone Gallery walls. Let Me Help You Make A Mural serves as a visual call and response that evolves over time, where the audience is invited to join the artist in creating a mural. The exhibition marks Rosenblith’s first time-based and community-collaborative work.


Curated by Yvonne Osei, Curator in Residence at COCA, the intention of this exhibition is to dissolve the boundaries between the artist’s private studio and the gallery space, inviting the public to become active participants in both the production and consumption of art.


Meet the Artist

Catch Edo Rosenblith at COCA on the following dates:


COCA Community Open House: Saturday, June 9, 2018, 11am – 1pm

Drawing Marathon: Saturday, July 14, 2018, 2-4pm

Drawing Marathon: Saturday, August 4, 2018, 2-4pm

Exhibition Closing:  August 25, 2018, 5:30-8:00pm

Presented by The Arthur & Helen Baer Charitable Foundation

Event Properties

Event Date 08-21-2018
Location COCA (Center of Creative Arts)